WARNING: The following document contains explicit, detailed and gruesome descriptions of crime scenes.

Freedom Eagle has spotted another key document. This appears to be a key source document for dates cited at Survivorship.org. The document, held by a reputable law enforcement body, goes into great detail about the behaviour and organisation of “Satanic” Ritual Abuse cults. I’ve seen some of the material quoted elsewhere but never with a citation link to original sources such as this. This is an endemic problem in this field that leads to the creation of doubt over if crimes such as this are even real. Former victims are already, rightly so, untrusting of almost anyone after what they have been through. Sometimes they are not even sure if what they went through was real, or even if similar events have been recorded elsewhere. So it’s even more important that sources such as this are known about. It’s also significant that this is held by a reputable law enforcement organisation because they are the good guys and know what they are talking about !