The current reductionist, secular, Scientific Paradigm is excluding real help for victims of Ritual Abuse. So called “Dissociative Identity Disorder” (DID) is very clinical. It is purely an invention of the Psychiatric profession with very little reference to tried and tested methods that have existed since the time of Freud and Jung, and those Freudian/Jungian methods have been much revised and added to over the years. New discoveries have been made that victims of Ritual Abuse need to know about. DID may include a key psychological concept in its name – dissociation – but I’ve rarely seen the term fully defined in clinical circles. In his book “The Inner World of Trauma: Archetypal Defences of the Personal Spirit“, Donal Kalsched does define that term and many others. I believe many victims of Ritual Abuse are being kept away from these tools. That book was written in 1996 and yet, having deep personal knowledge of Ritual Abuse and the Psychology field, I had never heard of it. It was never mentioned or alluded to. Much of the reason for that can be found in the hijacking of health system by the pharmaceutical companies. They have a vested interest in keeping patients dependent on their drugs. Sufferers of complex trauma are already at risk of substance abuse so adding pharma company corruption and criminality into the mix is not helpful. But it gets worse. The entire matrix of psychiatry/pharma as well as forms of collective trauma is currently keeping those most in need of proven solutions that work away from books like the one Kalsched has written. He cites cases in his work – actual case histories – where patients have been helped to get out of very serious cases of trauma. Yes, cured ! They went on to lead, on the most part, happy and successful lives. Quite a contrast to the usual outcomes for victims of Ritual Abuse. As one friend of mine said to me after I told her of some of my breakthroughs and successes in overcoming trauma …

“It’s nice to see someone doing well for a change.

There is also a lot of denial of what is going on here. I’ve had people saying to me that Jungian Psychology is something that specifically works “just for me”, as if being a victim of trauma somehow excludes me from understanding a wider situation. Plus its a case of MASSIVELY missing the point; This is the entire point of what Carl G Jung discovered. He discovered a collective unconscious. Symbols are repeated across cultures and people’s, often when the person has had no contact with the study of symbols or world mythology. This is a scientific discovery like 1 + 1 = 2. Denial of it is like saying to a Mathematician that because he thinks “1 + 1 = 2” then that truth “only works for him”. Just like Jungian Psychology is “only right for you”. It’s a denial of the scientific process, and, I believe, more mind games started by the psychiatry/pharma complex to keep people away from real solutions.